
  1. 上位机:Windows10 PC
  2. 下位机:AB (Allen-Bradley)CompactLogix 控制器


1. libplctag

libplctag是一个可以使用EtherNet/IPModbus TCP对PLC标签进行读写的库,使用C编写,它是开源(MPL 2.0)且跨平台(支持Linux、Windows、macOS)的。项目托管在GitHub,可以前往了解:https://github.com/libplctag/libplctag

2. libplctag.NET

libplctag.NET是一个对libplctag的C#.NET包装器,也是开源的(MPL 2.0),托管在GitHub:https://github.com/libplctag/libplctag.NET。由于上位机使用C#编写,因此实际上是使用这个wrapper,版本是1.0.6.0。

3. 读写标签

1. 读写简单标签


var myTag = new Tag<DintPlcMapper, int>()
    //Name of tag on the PLC, Controller-scoped would be just "SomeDINT"
    Name = "SomeProgram.SomeDINT",
    //PLC IP Address
    Gateway = "",
    //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
    Path = "1,0", 
    //Type of PLC
    PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT), 
int myDint = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Initial Value: {myDint}");
myTag.Value = myDint;
myDint = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Final Value: {myDint}");


首先是实例化一个Tag实例,var myTag = new Tag<DintPlcMapper, int>()会创建一个标签实例myTag,这个标签在PLC处的数据类型是DINT,在C#端为int,因此要做一个绑定, DintPlcMapper这个类就是对int类型做了映射关系,使得我们在操作PLC中的DINT数据时,就像在操作int对象一样。其中涉及对int对象的编码和解码,将在后面做详细介绍,这里先列出支持的几种简单数据类型:

  1. bool,对应PLC中的BOOL类型,占1bit,使用BoolPlcMapper进行映射
  2. int,对应PLC中的DINT类型,占4bytes,使用DintPlcMapper进行映射
  3. short,对应PLC中的INT类型,占2bytes,使用IntPlcMapper进行映射
  4. long,对应PLC中的LINT类型,占8bytes,使用LintPlcMapper进行映射
  5. double,对应PLC中的LREAL类型,占8bytes,使用LrealPlcMapper进行映射
  6. float,对应PLC中的REAL类型,占4bytes,使用RealPlcMapper进行映射
  7. sbyte,对应PLC中的SINT类型,占1bytes,使用SintPlcMapper进行映射
  8. string,对应PLC中的STRING类型,占88bytes(不同类型的PLC可能有差异),使用StringPlcMapper进行映射


Gateway属性:下位机PLC的IP地址和端口号,EIP协议默认端口号为44818,这里省略了端口号。如果有修改端口号的需求,应该这样写:Gateway = ""


PlcType属性:枚举值,根据下位机PLC属性进行赋值,由于这里使用的是AB的 CompactLogix 控制器,因此为PlcType.ControlLogix。




2. 读写标签集合


var myArrayTag = new Tag<DintPlcMapper, int[]>()
    //Name of tag on the PLC, Controller-scoped would be just "SomeDINT"
    Name = "SomeProgram.SomeDINT",
    //PLC IP Address
    Gateway = "",
    //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
    Path = "1,0", 
    //Type of PLC
    PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    //Dimensions of Value if it is an array
    //Ex. {2, 10} for a 2 column, 10 row array
    //Non-arrays can use null (default)
    ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 1, 5 },
    //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT), 
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    int arrayDint = myArrayTag.Value[i];
    Console.WriteLine($"Initial Value[{i}]: {arrayDint}");
myArrayTag.Value = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    int arrayDint = myArrayTag.Value[i];
    Console.WriteLine($"Final Value[{i}]: {arrayDint}");

和简单标签不同的是,这里将int[]数组映射到PLC中,该数组的长度为5,ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 1, 5 }代表这是一个1列5行的标签,相当于一个长度为5的一维数组。的其他操作与简单标签的读写一样。如果改为二维数组,那么应该将:int[]改为int[,]ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 1, 5 }改为ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 2, 5 },代表二维数组,每一维的长度为5。之后可以通过myArrayTag.Value[i, j]进行访问。三维数组同理。

3. 读写标签集合中的特定位置的元素


var myTag = new Tag<DintPlcMapper, int>()
    //Name of tag on the PLC, Controller-scoped would be just "SomeDINT"
    Name = "SomeProgram.SomeDINT[0]",
    //PLC IP Address
    Gateway = "",
    //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
    Path = "1,0", 
    //Type of PLC
    PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT), 
int myDint = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Initial Value: {myDint}");
myTag.Value = myDint;
myDint = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Final Value: {myDint}");


4. 读取结构体标签



名称                    DataType
my_timer                TIMER
  PRE                   DINT
  ACC                   DINT
  EN                    BOOL
  TT                    BOOL
  DN                    BOOL

可以看到TIMER结构体有5个基本数据类型成员。 libplctag.NET提供了自定义类型AbTimer和映射类TimerPlcMapper,我们可以像前面对基本数据类型标签读写的那样TIMER标签进行读写。 AbTimer和TimerPlcMapper的源码如下:

public class AbTimer
    public int Preset { get; set; }
    public int Accumulated { get; set; }
    public bool Enabled { get; set; }
    public bool InProgress { get; set; }
    public bool Done { get; set; }

public class TimerPlcMapper : PlcMapperBase<AbTimer>

    public override int? ElementSize => 12;

    public override AbTimer Decode(Tag tag, int offset)

        // Needed to look at RsLogix documentation for structure of TIMER
        var DINT2 = tag.GetInt32(offset);
        var DINT1 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 4);
        var DINT0 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 8);

        // The third DINT packs a few BOOLs into it
        var bitArray = new BitArray(new int[] { DINT2 });

        var timer = new AbTimer
            Accumulated = DINT0,         // ACC
            Preset = DINT1,              // PRE
            Done = bitArray[29],         // DN
            InProgress = bitArray[30],   // TT
            Enabled = bitArray[31]       // EN

        return timer;


    public override void Encode(Tag tag, int offset, AbTimer value)
        var DINT0 = value.Accumulated;
        var DINT1 = value.Preset;

        var asdf = new BitArray(32);
        asdf[29] = value.Done;
        asdf[30] = value.InProgress;
        asdf[31] = value.Enabled;
        var DINT2 = BitArrayToInt(asdf);

        tag.SetInt32(offset, DINT2);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 4, DINT1);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 8, DINT0);


    static int BitArrayToInt(BitArray binary)
        if (binary == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("binary");
        if (binary.Length > 32)
            throw new ArgumentException("Must be at most 32 bits long");

        var result = new int[1];
        binary.CopyTo(result, 0);
        return result[0];








var myTag = new Tag<TimerPlcMapper, AbTimer>()
    //Name of tag on the PLC
    Name = "my_timer",
    //PLC IP Address
    Gateway = "",
    //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
    Path = "1,0", 
    //Type of PLC
    PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT), 
AbTimer timer = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Initial Value: Accumulated: {timer.Accumulated}, Preset : {timer.Preset }, Enabled : {timer.Enabled }, InProgress : {timer.InProgress }, Done : {timer.Done },");
myTag.Value = new AbTimer() { Preset = 1111, Accumulated = 222, Enabled = true, InProgress = true, Done = true };
timer = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Initial Value: Accumulated: {timer.Accumulated}, Preset : {timer.Preset }, Enabled : {timer.Enabled }, InProgress : {timer.InProgress }, Done : {timer.Done },");

5. 读取结构体标签中某个成员


var myTag = new Tag<DintPlcMapper, int>()
    //Name of tag on the PLC
    Name = "my_timer.ACC",
    //PLC IP Address
    Gateway = "",
    //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
    Path = "1,0",
    //Type of PLC
    PlcType = PlcType.ControlLogix,
    Protocol = Protocol.ab_eip,
    //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
    Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(TIMEOUT),
int accumulated = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Accumulated Initial Value: {accumulated}");
myTag.Value = accumulated;
accumulated = myTag.Value;
Console.WriteLine($"Accumulated Final Value: {accumulated}");

其实就是对读取一个DINT类型的标签。关键就在于标签名Name,我们要读取TIMER类型的标签my_timer中的ACC,那么就应该myTag.Name = "my_timer.ACC"

6. 读取自定义结构体标签与“4字节对齐”规则




名称                    DataType
my_seq                  SEQ
  STEP_NO               DINT
  NEXT_STEP             DINT
  COMMAND               DINT
  IDLE_STEP             DINT
  FAULT_STEP            DINT
  INIT_STEP             DINT
  STOP                  BOOL
  HOLD                  BOOL
  FAULT                 BOOL
  my_timers             TIMER[20]




/// <summary>
/// This is an example plcMapper for a User Defined Type (UDT)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This type was developed for use on a CompactLogix controller
/// and is included to show how to develop a custom plcMapper
/// Step_No     DINT            4 bytes
/// Next_Step   DINT            4 bytes
/// Command     DINT            4 bytes
/// Idle_Step   DINT            4 bytes
/// Fault_Step  DINT            4 bytes
/// Init_Step   DINT            4 bytes
/// Stop        BOOL            \
/// Hold        BOOL            |-- packed into 4 bytes
/// Fault       BOOL            /
/// Timer       TIMER[20]       12 bytes x 20 = 240 bytes
/// ------------------------------------------------------
/// Total size = 268 bytes
/// In order to understand how the structure is encoded
/// we need to inspect the underlying buffer.
/// Use GetBuffer() from the tag object 
/// to access to the raw bytes. Then, use your PLC
/// programming software to manually modify values and see
/// how the raw bytes change.
/// If you are accessing an array of your UDT, try starting
/// out by addressing only one element of this array (i.e.
/// set ElementCount = 1).
/// </remarks>
public class SequencePlcMapper : PlcMapperBase<Sequence>, IPlcMapper<Sequence>, IPlcMapper<Sequence[]>

    // Because our UDT has an unchanging ElementSize,
    // provide the value so the tag constructor can use it
    // If ElementSize = null, this will not be passed to the
    // Tag constructor
    public override int? ElementSize => 268;

    // This function is used to decode the binary buffer
    // into a CLR data transfer object
    // The function is called once per array element, so we only 
    // need to decode one array element at a time.
    override public Sequence Decode(Tag tag, int offset)

        // If our UDT has a size that does not change, we can set this based on ElementSize
        // Some types have an ElementSize that varies with it's contents (e.g. STRING on some controllers)
        // Those types must wait until they know the actual elementSize before returning it
        //elementSize = ElementSize.Value;

        // Plain DINT objects
        // Note that the buffer access is always offset
        // This is so that our PlcMapper can be used in both
        // Single Values or Arrays
        var DINT0 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 0);
        var DINT1 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 4);
        var DINT2 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 8);
        var DINT3 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 12);
        var DINT4 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 16);
        var DINT5 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 20);

        // Our BOOLs are packed into this object.
        // I've chosen to make use of the BitArray class
        // which takes an integer array or byte array
        var PACKED_BOOLS = tag.GetInt32(offset + 24);
        var bools = new BitArray(new int[] { PACKED_BOOLS });

        // We can make use of other PlcMappers!
        // This means that if our UDT contains other structures (or UDTs)
        var timerPlcMapper = new TimerPlcMapper()
        { PlcType = this.PlcType };                     // Pass the PlcType through to this PlcMapper just in case it's behaviour depends on PlcType

        var TIMERS = new AbTimer[20];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++)
            var timerOffset = offset + 28 + ii * timerPlcMapper.ElementSize.Value;
            TIMERS[ii] = timerPlcMapper.Decode(tag, timerOffset);

        // We now have all of our objects Decoded
        // and can instantiate our Plain Old Class Object (POCO)
        // With the appropriate values
        return new Sequence()
            Step_No = DINT0,
            Next_Step = DINT1,
            Command = DINT2,
            Idle_Step = DINT3,
            Fault_Step = DINT4,
            Init_Step = DINT5,
            Stop = bools[0],
            Hold = bools[1],
            Fault = bools[2],
            Timer = TIMERS


    override public void Encode(Tag tag, int offset, Sequence value)

        var DINT0 = value.Step_No;
        var DINT1 = value.Next_Step;
        var DINT2 = value.Command;
        var DINT3 = value.Idle_Step;
        var DINT4 = value.Fault_Step;
        var DINT5 = value.Init_Step;

        var bools = new BitArray(32);
        bools[0] = value.Stop;
        bools[1] = value.Hold;
        bools[2] = value.Fault;

        var DINT6 = BitArrayToInt(bools);

        tag.SetInt32(offset + 0, DINT0);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 4, DINT1);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 8, DINT2);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 12, DINT3);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 16, DINT4);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 20, DINT5);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 24, DINT6);

        var timerPlcMapper = new TimerPlcMapper();
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++)
            var timerOffset = offset + 28 + ii * timerPlcMapper.ElementSize.Value;
            timerPlcMapper.Encode(tag, timerOffset, value.Timer[ii]);


    static int BitArrayToInt(BitArray binary)
        if (binary == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(binary));
        if (binary.Length > 32)
            throw new ArgumentException("Must be at most 32 bits long");

        var result = new int[1];
        binary.CopyTo(result, 0);
        return result[0];

/// <summary>
/// Data Transfer Object for the User Defined Type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Although it is not absolutely required, it is best
/// practice to here use the same naming and casing as is used
/// in the User Defined Type in the PLC, and to keep these
/// classes as pure Data Transfer Objects.
/// </remarks>
public class Sequence
    public int Step_No { get; set; }
    public int Next_Step { get; set; }
    public int Command { get; set; }
    public int Idle_Step { get; set; }
    public int Fault_Step { get; set; }
    public int Init_Step { get; set; }
    public bool Stop { get; set; }
    public bool Hold { get; set; }
    public bool Fault { get; set; }
    public AbTimer[] Timer { get; set; }



名称                    DataType
my_seq                  SEQ
  STOP                  BOOL
  STEP_NO               DINT
  NEXT_STEP             DINT
  HOLD                  BOOL
  FAULT                 BOOL
  COMMAND               INT
  IDLE_STEP             INT
  FAULT_STEP            INT
  INIT_STEP             DINT
  my_timers             TIMER[20]



接下来是两个BOOL类型,可以用2个bit存储,剩余30个bit,3个字节多一点,它们俩后是一个INT类型的COMMAND,占2个字节16bit,可以放得下因此HOLD、FAULT和COMMAND共同占用4个字节。这里要注意, INT类型的COMMAND 并不是紧挨着FAULT之后的那个bit存储的,而是会在下一个字节的起始位置开始存储,因为字节是用于存储的最小单位,bit不是。



于是,新的SEQ结构体共占用4+2*4+4+4+4+20*12=264个字节的内存。 如下图所示:



/// <summary>
/// This is an example plcMapper for a User Defined Type (UDT)
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This type was developed for use on a CompactLogix controller
/// and is included to show how to develop a custom plcMapper
/// Stop        BOOL            packed into 4 bytes
/// Step_No     DINT            4 bytes
/// Next_Step   DINT            4 bytes
/// Hold        BOOL           \
/// Fault       BOOL           |-- packed into 4 bytes
/// Command     DINT           /
/// Idle_Step   INT            \
///                            |-- packed into 4 bytes
/// Fault_Step  INT            /
/// Init_Step   DINT            4 bytes
/// Timer       TIMER[20]       12 bytes x 20 = 240 bytes
/// ------------------------------------------------------
/// Total size = 264 bytes
/// In order to understand how the structure is encoded
/// we need to inspect the underlying buffer.
/// Use GetBuffer() from the tag object 
/// to access to the raw bytes. Then, use your PLC
/// programming software to manually modify values and see
/// how the raw bytes change.
/// If you are accessing an array of your UDT, try starting
/// out by addressing only one element of this array (i.e.
/// set ElementCount = 1).
/// </remarks>
public class SequencePlcMapper : PlcMapperBase<Sequence>, IPlcMapper<Sequence>, IPlcMapper<Sequence[]>

    // Because our UDT has an unchanging ElementSize,
    // provide the value so the tag constructor can use it
    // If ElementSize = null, this will not be passed to the
    // Tag constructor
    public override int? ElementSize => 264;

    // This function is used to decode the binary buffer
    // into a CLR data transfer object
    // The function is called once per array element, so we only 
    // need to decode one array element at a time.
    override public Sequence Decode(Tag tag, int offset)
        var PACKED_BOOLS = tag.GetInt32(offset + 0);
        var bools = new BitArray(new int[] { PACKED_BOOLS });
        var DINT0 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 4);
        var DINT1 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 8);
        var PACKED_BOOLS2 = tag.GetInt8(offset + 12);
        var bools2 = new BitArray(new int[] { PACKED_BOOLS2 });
        var DINT2 = tag.GetInt16(offset + 13);
        var DINT3 = tag.GetInt16(offset + 16);
        var DINT4 = tag.GetInt16(offset + 18);
        var DINT5 = tag.GetInt32(offset + 20);

        var timerPlcMapper = new TimerPlcMapper()
        { PlcType = this.PlcType };                     // Pass the PlcType through to this PlcMapper just in case it's behaviour depends on PlcType

        var TIMERS = new AbTimer[20];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++)
            var timerOffset = offset + 28 + ii * timerPlcMapper.ElementSize.Value;
            TIMERS[ii] = timerPlcMapper.Decode(tag, timerOffset);

        return new Sequence()
            Stop = bools[0],
            Step_No = DINT0,
            Next_Step = DINT1,
            Hold = bools2[0],
            Fault = bools2[1],
            Command = DINT2,
            Idle_Step = DINT3,
            Fault_Step = DINT4,
            Init_Step = DINT5,
            Timer = TIMERS


    override public void Encode(Tag tag, int offset, Sequence value)
        var bools = new BitArray(32);
        bools[0] = value.Stop;
        var DINT0 = BitArrayToInt(bools);
        var DINT1 = value.Step_No;
        var DINT2 = value.Next_Step;
        var bools2 = new BitArray(32);
        bools2[0] = value.Hold;
        bools2[0] = value.Fault;
        var DINT3 = BitArrayToInt(bools2);
        var DINT4 = value.Command;
        var DINT5 = value.Idle_Step;
        var DINT6 = value.Fault_Step;
        var DINT7 = value.Init_Step;

        tag.SetInt32(offset + 0, DINT0);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 4, DINT1);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 8, DINT2);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 12, DINT3);
        tag.SetInt16(offset + 13, DINT4);
        tag.SetInt16(offset + 16, DINT5);
        tag.SetInt16(offset + 18, DINT6);
        tag.SetInt32(offset + 20, DINT7);

        var timerPlcMapper = new TimerPlcMapper();
        for (int ii = 0; ii < 20; ii++)
            var timerOffset = offset + 28 + ii * timerPlcMapper.ElementSize.Value;
            timerPlcMapper.Encode(tag, timerOffset, value.Timer[ii]);


    static int BitArrayToInt(BitArray binary)
        if (binary == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(binary));
        if (binary.Length > 32)
            throw new ArgumentException("Must be at most 32 bits long");

        var result = new int[1];
        binary.CopyTo(result, 0);
        return result[0];

/// <summary>
/// Data Transfer Object for the User Defined Type.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Although it is not absolutely required, it is best
/// practice to here use the same naming and casing as is used
/// in the User Defined Type in the PLC, and to keep these
/// classes as pure Data Transfer Objects.
/// </remarks>
public class Sequence
    public bool Stop { get; set; }
    public int Step_No { get; set; }
    public int Next_Step { get; set; }
    public bool Hold { get; set; }
    public bool Fault { get; set; }
    public short Command { get; set; }
    public short Idle_Step { get; set; }
    public short Fault_Step { get; set; }
    public int Init_Step { get; set; }
    public AbTimer[] Timer { get; set; }

7. STRING结构体标签与深入理解“4字节对齐”规则



名称                    DataType
my_str                  STRING
  LEN                   INT
  DATA                  SINT[82]


接着让我们看下在libplctag.NET中是如何对其进行映射的,这里我对源码做了删减,只保留PlcType == PlcType.ControlLogix的情况:

public class StringPlcMapper : PlcMapperBase<string>


    override public int? ElementSize => 88;

    override public string Decode(Tag tag, int offset)
        const int STRING_LENGTH_HEADER = 4;

        int apparentStringLength = tag.GetInt32(offset);

        var actualStringLength = Math.Min(apparentStringLength, MAX_CONTROLLOGIX_STRING_LENGTH);

        var asciiEncodedString = new byte[actualStringLength];
        for (int ii = 0; ii < actualStringLength; ii++)
            asciiEncodedString[ii] = tag.GetUInt8(offset + STRING_LENGTH_HEADER + ii);

        return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(asciiEncodedString);

    override public void Encode(Tag tag, int offset, string value)
        if (value.Length > MAX_CONTROLLOGIX_STRING_LENGTH)
            throw new ArgumentException("String length exceeds maximum for a tag of type STRING");

        const int LEN_OFFSET = 0;
        const int DATA_OFFSET = 4;

        tag.SetInt16(offset + LEN_OFFSET, Convert.ToInt16(value.Length));

        byte[] asciiEncodedString = new byte[MAX_CONTROLLOGIX_STRING_LENGTH];
        Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value).CopyTo(asciiEncodedString, 0);

        for (int ii = 0; ii < asciiEncodedString.Length; ii++)
            tag.SetUInt8(offset + DATA_OFFSET + ii, asciiEncodedString[ii]);




8. 通用地构建标签实例


这里给出一个通用方法,该方法可以构建用于读写基本数据类型标签、一维数组结构标签、 一维数组结构标签中的特定位置的标签、用户自定义结构体类型标签、 用户自定义结构体类型标签中的特定成员:

public Tag<M, T> BuildTag<M, T>(string tagName, int length = 1) where M : IPlcMapper<T>, new()
    Tag<M, T> tag = null;
        tag = new Tag<M, T>()
            Name = tagName,                                     //Name of tag on the PLC, Controller-scoped would be just "SomeDINT"
            Gateway = this.RemoteIPAddress + ":" + ReceivePort, //PLC IP Address and Port
            Path = this.Path,                                   //CIP path to PLC CPU. "1,0" will be used for most AB PLCs
            PlcType = this.PLCType,                             //Type of PLC
            Protocol = this.ProtocolType,                       //Protocol
            Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(this.Timeout),  //A global timeout value that is used for Initialize/Read/Write methods
        if (length > 1)
            tag.ArrayDimensions = new int[] { 1, length };      // 1-dim support-only in this method. 
    catch (Exception)
        tag = null;
    return tag;

9. 发现的BUG






public class BoolPlcMapper : IPlcMapper<bool>
        public int? ElementSize => 1;

        public PlcType PlcType { get; set; }
        public int[] ArrayDimensions { get; set; }

        public int? GetElementCount()
            if (ArrayDimensions == null)
                return null;

            //TODO: Test -> I'm not confident that the overall bool count is packed as a 1D array and not packed by dimension.
            //Multiply dimensions for total elements
            var totalElements = ArrayDimensions.Aggregate(1, (x, y) => x * y);
            return (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalElements / 32.0);

        public int? SetArrayLength(int? elementCount) => (int)Math.Ceiling((double)elementCount.Value / 32.0);

        virtual protected void EncodeArray(Tag tag, bool[] values)
            for (int ii = 0; ii < tag.ElementCount.Value * 32; ii++)
                tag.SetBit(ii, values[ii]);

        bool IPlcMapper<bool>.Decode(Tag tag) => tag.PlcType == PlcType.Omron ? tag.GetUInt8(0) != 0 : tag.GetUInt8(0) == 255;  // 问题就出现在这里

        void IPlcMapper<bool>.Encode(Tag tag, bool value) => tag.SetUInt8(0, value == true ? (byte)255 : (byte)0);



public class CustomBoolPlcMapper : IPlcMapper<bool>
        public PlcType PlcType { get; set; }

        public int? ElementSize => 1;

        public int[] ArrayDimensions { get; set; }

        public bool Decode(Tag tag)
            return tag.GetUInt8(0) != 0;  // 当值为0时读取为False,否则读取为True

        public void Encode(Tag tag, bool value)
            tag.SetUInt8(0, value == true ? (byte)255 : (byte)0);  // 写入没发现问题,因此就没做修改

        public int? GetElementCount() => 1;




10. 其他



tag_rw.exe -t uint32 -p "protocol=ab_eip&gateway=,0&cpu=LGX&elem_size=4&elem_count=200&name=pcomm_test_dint_array"
  • -t:标签类型
  • -p:命令参数
    • protocol:协议类型
    • gateway:下位机IP和端口号
    • path:CIP协议的路由路径和CPU插槽
    • cpu:PLC类型
    • elem_size:标签类型对应字节数
    • elem_count:元素数量
    • name:标签名


list_tags.exe 1,0

第一个参数是IP地址,第二个参数是CIP协议的路由路径和CPU插槽。这个命令我常用来查看标签占用的字节数,校验自己的编码。有条件的话,也可以直接在AB的IDE(Studio 5000)中直接查看